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zanetano • 2 years ago

Yey! He picked up the "i got my but handed to me" powerup. Now the other guy will be in trouble ;P

Sniperwolf24 • 2 years ago

He'll return favours now

Leonarf Hatelies • 2 years ago

You deserved it.

SmashStalker101 • 2 years ago

Only 1 episode came out today

MR STOLEN Donghua • 2 years ago

Mc always facing trouble every turn 😆

sasuke kaneki • 2 years ago

from his past life to now hahahah

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Next the bitch families.

Ani-man • 1 year ago

And ep was ok

Ani-man • 1 year ago

Damn the op

Luke W • 2 years ago

I never got why people fighting "for their family", life, or are enraged because their honor was insulted DON'T fight with all the stops pulled. It's easy to say "to test the strength of their enemy", but I say, hit your enemy with everything you have right off the bat, it could catch them off guard and end the fight then and there, especially fighting with your lives on the line. Why hold back? If they can withstand it, then you are screwed anyway, if not, then you could have killed them or seriously wounded them in the first attack. Unless one attack literally cripples you, why wouldn't you start with all of your power?
In a similar way, most anime villains could have turned most of the protagonists to dust if they had used everything from the start. Prime example, dragonball z's frieza saga. I want to say about 75% of all fantasy villains KNOW who will be their main adversary early in advance and do NOTHING to stop it, hell, sometimes even encouraging the protagonist to grow stronger. That just means they dont really want to rule the world, they just want someone to stop them, or try to. Because of their hubris, their empire comes to a grinding halt, and many are stupid enough to ask why.

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Wow, the son did it all himself, they could at least had the other Tan family fighting too lol.

And those ending scenes be giving up the whole next episode smh.

Grommash Hellscream • 2 years ago

BRUH, these power levels are getting out of hand, yo.

The guy he killed was apparently a "genius" - took one month to level up from level 6 to level 7.
Protag used one month to level up from level 2 to level 6.
What was the dude's dad? Level seven? Level 8?

He killed him, anyway.

What are these power levels?????

Suppose the dude's dad is 20 years older than his son.
20 years to go from seven to 8?
Or is it 20 years, and he's the same level as his son????

And then protagonist overpowers both of them, even though he's level six?

Bruh, what?

Supposing this takes years, then how is it that the dude took 1 month to go from level 6 to seven?
1 month, like, what was he doing all those other years?

Cause the protagonist literally took one month to go from 2 to six.
It would ONLY MAKE SENSE, for progression to be easier, the lower you are.
In other words, it would make sense to progress more easily from 2 to six, than from six to 7.
Or at the very least, the same amount of effort to progress from six to 7, as 2 to six.

That means if a genius was able to go from six to 7 in 1 month, then he should have been able to achieve 2 to six in 1 month.
Let's be even more generous.

1 year. Six to seven.
Then it would take about 1 year to reach from 2 to six.

Bruh, like, they could literally be like level 7 at the age of 10.

Like the f, what is going on.

How come the dude's dad who is at least 15 years older, is the same power level.
Bruuuuhh, this sloppy sloppy, lmfaooo.

TumorsAreGood • 2 years ago

This is a theme in a lot of cultivation animes but sometimes practitioners can get stuck at a certain level for a period of time or stop permanently.
Cultivation isn't a continuous upward ramp.

Luke W • 2 years ago

It's mostly due to knowledge. Cultivation protagonists usually have access to something that the other characters don't. Either deep knowledge of cultivation, such as someone of extremely high level reincarnating, or divine treasures such as a hidden bloodline catalyst or cultivation treasure, often times both.
In the lower recesses of human society, there are those that dont have electricity, or indoor plumbing. Think of the places that these stories start in as something like that. If you were to go to a poverty stricken third world nation and start talking about quantum physics, how do you think they would react? They have limited knowledge based on the environment they are in.

Urthling Scum • 1 year ago

Bruh, why compare normies to a reincarnated person with previous memory intact.

Imagine you have multiple PhDs, and then you died and reincarnated, with memories intact, to a young boy. Now you go attend 1st grade in elementary. Can you say that 2nd or 3rd graders can beat you in a QuizBee or something? Of course not since you're smart.

Same goes for MC, he knows the in-depths of cultivation since he used to be a Peak Cultivator, with High-end techniques. That's why he was able to cultivate fast, and beat those two.

Btw, some part of this anime is different from the comics. Even how Yu Qin was taken away. Must be because of the director wanting to not make the show bland or something.

Freedert • 6 months ago

Shit animation + good plot > good animation + shit plot

eg Doupo Cangqiong first season > "whatever this shit donghua is called"

LowJack187 • 8 months ago

If you're the only trash left in the can, You're still trash!

AniMangaSensei • 1 year ago

Can't understand why Tencent think we will stay and listen to 4:20 minutes long Opening song while the main story takes only 5-7 minutes...why don't use the 10 minutes for story instead...Not even in the drama will take teh opening song for 4 minutes